
Product manager

About this role

We are looking for an experienced Product Manager who is passionate about building products that customers love. You will join a dynamic and fast-paced environment and work with cross-functional teams to design, build and roll-out products that deliver the company’s vision and strategy.

What will you do?

  • Gain a deep understanding of customer experience, identify and fill product gaps and generate new ideas that grow market share, improve customer experience and drive growth
  • According to the company's business development strategy, from different perspectives such as user needs, competitive product tracking, business model innovation, etc., lead the determination of the product direction and drive the completion of the entire product life cycle
  • Pay attention to the feedback of competing products and users, reasonably use data for accurate analysis, identify problems and provide corresponding product solutions to improve products
  • Work closely with engineering teams to deliver with quick time-to-market and optimal resources
  • Supervise the product development project cycle and progress, and ensure that the product will be online and be responsible for the satisfaction of the demand target and product quality
  • Evaluate promotional plans to ensure that they are consistent with product line strategy and that the message is effectively conveyed

Is this you?

  • Proven work experience in product management or as an associate product manager
  • Proven ability to develop product and marketing strategies and effectively communicate recommendations to executive management
  • Solid technical background with understanding and/or hands-on experience in software development and web technologies
  • MS/BS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or equivalent preferred
  • Knowledge of project management tools, like Jira or Trello, and proficient in Axure RP or OmniGraffle
  • Good communication skills along with the ability to effectively collaborate with cross functional teams

What would be a plus?

  • Blockchain related experience
  • Candidates in Asian time zones are preferred, but not limited to.

If those describe you, this is the right opportunity for you!

Подати заявку
  • Місце розташування

  • Команда


Навіщо йти до нас?

Ми — по-справжньому міжнародна команда! У нашому складі фахівці з більш ніж 12 країн та 8 часових поясів. При цьому нас об'єднує спільна місія: будувати децентралізоване майбутнє та приносити користь всім нинішнім та майбутнім користувачам криптовалют.

Про нас

Шукаєте щось інше?

Ми завжди раді познайомитися з ініціативними та захопленими людьми, навіть якщо зараз у нас немає підходящої для вас вакансії. Напишіть нам та розкажіть, чим би ви хотіли займатися в нашій команді: [email protected].

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